Forum «Modern Cultural and Social Challenges and Transformation of Identity»


M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University Arctic State Institute of Art and Culture (ASICA)

University of Douala (Cameroon)

University of Bertoua (Cameroon)

would like to invite

to the Annual Scientific Forum

«Modern Cultural and Social Challenges and Transformation of Identity»

on the theme 2024 «Modern Ethnic Cinema and Society»

on September 23 — 27, 2024 in Yakutsk, Russia


within the framework of the Strategic Academic Leadership Program «Priority 2030. Far East»,

scientific-educational, cultural-aesthetic inter-university project

«The Warmth of the Cold / Chaleur du froid»,

international scientific and educational laboratory for the study of modern identification processes, cultural transformation and development of creative industries in Yakutsk


The forum is dedicated to ethnic cinema as a factor in the positioning and manifestation of ethnocultural identity and geo-branding of regions.

Objectives of the Forum:

  • consolidating the efforts of scientists working on issues of identity, documentary and feature films, creating conditions for their interaction with specialists from foreign countries;
  • an association of filmmakers, specialists, and film researchers related to various

aspects of the forumʼs topics;

  • familiarization of the world scientific community with the achievements of Russian science on the topic of the forum;
  • further promotion of Yakut cinema, ethnic cinema and their promotion in the world;

The following topics are proposed for discussion:

Section 1:The Role of Ethnic Cinema in Broadcasting Ethno-Regional Identity

  • Ethnic cinema as a marker of differentiation and identification;
  • The role of ethnic cinema in the transmission of ethno-regional identity in the sphere of everyday life;
  • Ethnic cinema as a way of positioning ethnocultural identity in the world;
  • Regional identity in cinema: creative practices of preserving and updating cultural heritage;
  • The role of ethnic cinema in the education of patriotism and ideas of multicultural solidarity;

Section 2: History of Ethnic Cinema in Regions and Individual Countries

  • Ethnocultural heritage: creative practices and actualization in cinema;
  • Regional and ethnic cinema in the context of modern times: problems, achievements, development resources;
  • Contemporary Yakut cinema;
  • Contemporary cinema of African countries;
  • The image of the Arctic, the North, Yakutia, and regions of Siberia in feature films: research, development, analytics;
  • The image of Siberia in feature films;
  • The image of Africa in feature films;
  • Cinema as an object of artistic reflection;
  • The image of Yakutia, the North, and regions of Siberia in foreign cinema;
  • The image of Africa, individual African countries in foreign cinema;

Section 3:Documentary Cinema and Its Role in Geobranding

  • History of documentary cinema in Yakutia, regions of Siberia, African countries;
  • The image of the Arctic, the North, Yakutia, and regions of Siberia in documentary films: research, development, analytics;
  • The image of Siberia in documentary films;
  • The image of Africa, individual African countries in documentary films: research, development, analytics;

Section 4:The Role of Ethnic Cinema in Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle

  • Healthy lifestyle in cinematography;
  • The topic of medical anthropology in ethnic cinema;
  • Traditional medicine in cinema.

The forumʼs issues are not limited to the above topics. We welcome any relevant and interesting scientific proposals for its expansion. We invite scientists, journalists, bloggers, entrepreneurs, filmmakers, advertising business people, everyone involved in studying the problems of ethnic cinema and its role in the formation of a person and his identity to participate.

During the Forum, special events and meetings are planned, which will be announced separately.

Follow the information

Working languages of the conference: Russian, English, French

The forum will be held in a hybrid format

Applications for participation are accepted until September 7,2024 by email:

chaleurdufroid@mail.ruindicating FORUM/full name The registration fee is 1500 rubles.

The participation of not only scientists, but also filmmakers is planned.

The forum will include:

  • II virtual exhibition with the participation of Cameroonian and Russian artists «Khomuruun Cameroon»;
  • Exhibition «Magic Focus»;
  • Exhibition of Yakut artists «SakhaWOOD».

We invite all interested persons to contact us by e-mail chaleurdufroid@mail.ruor by phone +7 (914) 22 555 96.

  • We invite all interested parties to contact us by emailchaleurdufroid@mail.ruor by phone +7 (914) 22 555 96.

We will be grateful for your support!

Publication of materials

Based on the results of the Forum, an electronic collection of materials will be published (with the assignment of an ISBN number and registration on the official website of the knowledge-intensive RINC citation database).

Selected articles will be published in the scientific journal «Relext» (Cameroon) The cost of publishing each full or incomplete page of an article is 350 rubles.

We will be glad to see you among the conference participants!