Today, almost 35,000 students from Africa are studying in Russian universities

“The traditional area of Russian-African interaction has been and remains the training of qualified personnel. Today, almost 35,000 students from Africa are studying in Russian universities, and this number is growing annually. The quota for education for Africans has increased by 2.5 times over 3 years and will exceed 4,700 people next year. There are plans to open branches of leading Russian universities in Africa. Close cooperation with African educational institutions is being established within the framework of the Russian-African Network University.”

Establishment of the Russian-African Network Universitywith an international development vector

contributes to strengthening cooperation in the field of education, science, and economic development between our country and the states of the African continent. In addition, RAFU is a kind of bridge of friendship for students from Russia and Africa

RAFU consortium universities are actively developing cooperation with African universities

“RAFU Consortium universities are actively developing not only educational cooperation with African universities, but also beginning to participate in major infrastructure projects with the participation of industrial partners. It is the training of personnel and the joint implementation of such projects in the field of nature management and environmental protection, the development of new management and protection systems for natural resources, the development of “clean energy”, the preservation of cultural heritage and will become the main areas of work of RAFU”

About RAFU

Russian educational institutions of higher education
African universities
Russian scientific institutes
Consortium “Russian-African Network University”
is aimed at voluntary equal partnership between Russian and African universities and research organizations in the fields of higher education, life-long learning and researches.
RAFU mission:
to create a common educational space that provides equal access to the educational resources for all RAFU Participants from different countries.
RAFU objectives:
  • implementation of joint educational programs
  • creation of new forms of interuniversity cooperation
  • development of RAFU students’ and faculties’ academic mobility
  • promotion of intercultural dialogue among students and countries
  • preservation, development and mutual enrichment of cultures, languages, historical and national traditions


Rudskoi Andrey Ivanovich
Rector of SPbPU
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Chairman of the presidium of RAFU
Zalivsky Maxim Nikolaevich
Candidate of political sciences
Head of the project office of RAFU
Mazina Alla Lazarevna
Candidate of technical sciences, associate professor
Secretary of the Presidium of RAFU