International Scientific Conference «Civil, Industrial, and Urban Construction—2025»


On April 2, 2025, the Institute of Civil Engineering of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University is holding an international scientific conference, "Civil, Industrial, and Urban Construction—2025".The conference will be held in a mixed format (with the possibility of remote connection).
The working languages of the conference are Russian and English. Leading scientists, designers, and material manufacturers from Russia, the Republic of Belarus, China, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Cuba, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Mali, the Republic of Guinea, the Republic of Niger, Algeria, etc. are invited to the conference.
The following topics are planned to be considered during the conference:

  • Industrial and civil engineering;
  • Engineering geometry and computer graphics;
  • Power plants based on renewable energy;
  • Building constructions and materials;
  • Building thermophysics, heat and gas supply, ventilation, air conditioning and lighting;
  • Water supply, sewerage, systems of water resources protection;
  • Technology and organization of construction;
  • Industrial ecology;
  • Urban planning, planning of rural settlements;
  • Design and construction of roads, subways, airfields, bridges, and transport tunnels.

Scientific articles(Russian or English)are designed according to the IMRAD requirements and should be sent by email to before March 15, 2025.Each article will undergo double peer review: by the conference organizers and by the relevant scientific journals. After the first review, authors are offered a specific journal, in accordance with the requirements of which the article will need to be prepared.

Key dates:

  • Submission deadline: March 15, 2025;
  • Registration of speakers and listeners: until March 25, 2025, as a speaker and until March 30, 2025, as a listener;
  • Acceptance of report presentations: until April 1, 2025.

We are pleased to invite you to take part in the conference.

  • nominate representatives of your organization to the organizing committee of the conference;
  • to make a scientific report.

If you need assistance, please contact Pr. Issa Togo

Tel.: + 7 921 337 37 30 and E-mail: