Polytechnic University strengthens international cooperation of BRICS+ countries


On November 9, the 5th BRICS+ International Municipal Forum kicked off in St. Petersburg. This is an authoritative platform for discussing issues of socio-economic development of municipalities and large cities of developing countries. It is attended by delegations from 63 different countries, including Asia, Africa, Latin America, CIS and the Middle East. One of the central themes is the development of the IT sector. In addition, this year’s event is held jointly with the 10th International IT Dialogue Forum and the International Cybersecurity Digitech Forum. One of the centers of attraction at the forum was the mount of Polytechnic University. Everything was here — a rich business program, numerous negotiations, signing of cooperation agreements, participation in round tables, expert discussion, unique SPbPU developments and thousands of visitors.

Polytechnic University at the Fifth BRICS+ International Municipal Forum

The BRICS International Economic Union helps to ensure a common dialog on topical contemporary issues, including geopolitical, economic and technological aspects. The countries united under the BRICS framework account for more than half of the GDP and the majority of the world’s population. The goal of BRICS is to create and support mutually beneficial partnerships to ensure financial and social stability, especially in times of political turbulence.

The development of science, innovation and technology has always been one of the fundamental and connecting elements of the BRICS community. This is what Andrei Rudskoi, Rector of SPbPU, Academician of the RAS, said in his welcoming speech from the main rostrum of the forum.

Andrei Rudskoi delivers his welcoming remarks

It is sufficient to mention the BRICS network framework program to support joint research, thanks to which unique scientific results have been achieved and advanced technologies have been introduced. The International Municipal Forum aims to bring together the efforts, technologies and experience of different countries to address the most important challenges of regional development. Each BRICS country has leading universities, research centers, academies of science and innovation clusters. Cooperation and collaboration among these organizations is critical. Especially today, in a very difficult international environment, when we must respond to extraordinary challenges, connect regions, build long-term horizontal partnerships and friendships. On behalf of the academic community and on behalf of the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, we confirm our deep interest and openness in educational and scientific joint activities with our partners from the BRICS countries, said Andrei Rudskoi.

After the opening ceremony, an active business program with the participation of the Rector and international services of SPbPU began at the Polytechnic University’s mount.

UNT Delegation Houari Boumediene

The first negotiations took place with the Algerian University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene. On the eve of the forum, a delegation from Algeria visited Polytechnic to discuss the possibility of joint research and educational programs in mechanical engineering, transport and quality management on the basis of IMM&T. Andrei Rudskoi, Rector of SPbPU, and Professor Azzeddine Chaffa, Vice-Rector for International Relations of UNT, signed an agreement on scientific and educational cooperation between our universities and a memorandum on UNT joining the Russian-African Network University (RAFU).

Andrei Rudskoi and Azzeddine Chaffa signed the agreement

Metallurgical company MCC Group (China) signed a memorandum of cooperation with Polytechnic University. The plans include joint training of qualified personnel in metallurgy and construction, as well as applied research and design work for the company in these areas. MCC Group is the largest steel structure manufacturer in China. The company’s projects include residential construction, steel and steel structure fabrication, electromechanical installation work, furnace design, water supply and utilities. MCC Group was introduced by Wang Yuantao, general manager of the subsidiary.

MCC Group at the signing of the memorandum

A delegation from South Africa, led by Mrs. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, attended the forum. As the South African Minister for Women, Youth and People with Disabilities, she emphasized the importance of safe cities for children and women. And she offered to exchange experience in the implementation of projects where young people could develop technologies and their commercialization. The result of the talks between Andrei Rudskoi and the South African Minister was the signing of a memorandum of accession to the RAFU Kgabo Car Training center. This is a college in South Africa for professional training in the field of automotive engineering. The training institution was introduced by Dr. Koena Isaac Bochomane.

Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma (right)
South African Delegation

Polytechnic University has long been implementing joint educational programs with universities in Uzbekistan. These include network projects, professional development courses for teachers and staff, field modules of Summer Schools and scientific seminars. The forum included a business meeting with the Rector of Bukhara State University, Professor Obidjon Khamidov. After the negotiations the parties signed an agreement on scientific and educational cooperation between SPbPU and Bukhara State University.

We have long-standing and good relations with Polytechnic. Today our university is actively shifting to the preparation of engineering and technical education. Taking into account your excellent educational base and the development of our cooperation, we want to continue building close relations. For several years already we have been sending our teachers to Polytechnic for advanced training under the VET program. And in the future we want to develop relations in the scientific sphere and build new joint educational programs, Obidjon Khamidov shared the prospects of cooperation.

Delegation from Bukhara

Continuing the business program, Polytechnic University hosted Professor Ou Xiaoming, head of the Russian representative office of State Grid, a state-owned Chinese power grid corporation. Polytechnic University and State Grid have been cooperating since 2017, and at the forum the parties discussed the expansion of cooperation on the basis of the Higher School of High Voltage Power Engineering and the Higher School of Cyber-Physical Systems Management in various areas.

Representatives of the state-owned electric grid corporation State Grid

SPbPU continues to expand the Russian-African partnership. At the forum another structure joined RAFU. SAPIDACAM for the implementation of integrated priority actions for agricultural development in Cameroon signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the consortium. President and CEO of SAPIDACAM Abanda Ndouma Jules noted the importance of joining RAFU for the development of Cameroon, which considers itself an old friend of Russia. This includes obtaining unimpeded education, the possibility for African students to master additional competencies in Russia, as well as the development of cooperation in the development of technologies for bioethanol and biogas production.

Abanda Ndouma Jules (right)

Shahid Beheshti University, a long-standing partner of SPbPU, whose students actively participate in the SPbPU Summer and Winter Schools on Energy and conduct joint scientific activities. The agreement on cooperation in education and science with the Iranian university will lead to mutual promotion of educational programs in Iran and Russia, development of joint scientific projects with universities and high-tech companies in Iran, as well as popularization of culture and language of the two countries.

Representatives of Shahid Beheshti University at the talks

The International Municipal Forum is a unique platform that allows us to participate in new cooperation projects with BRICS+ countries and expand existing agreements and partnerships. Within the framework of the forum we managed to negotiate and sign cooperation agreements with universities and companies from the countries that came to the event, such as China, South African Republic, Iran, Uzbekistan, Algeria, Cameroon. Such agreements contribute to the comprehensive development of regions and municipal cities of the BRICS countries and partner states, summed up the results of the forum’s intensive business program, Dmitry Arseniev, Vice-Rector for International affairs of SPbPU.